SounD/Light/Herb Combinations

From the halls of the future/ past re-emerges an esoteric musical epiphany of Pythagoras. The brilliant idea of uniting light, sound, scent and herbal elixir into a cosmic healing orchestra. In days of old there were Alchemist,  they were best known for attempting to turn bass metals into gold, however, they would also experiment with various elements to come up with healing remedies.  

Starboard Quest symphonies are not just for the sense of hearing only. As Pythagoras, Hermes Trismegistus, and many other ancient philosophers and wisemen have told us, “all creation is singing”.  

In the modern scientific language, all things including herbs, aromas, light rays, and sonic energy (sound) all have a resident frequencies or vibration. Modern scientists are just now coming into more of an understanding of what was known in the ancient cultures of Israel, Greece, Egypt, Babylon and a number of other ancient civilizations.  

Starboard Quest products are designed in such a way to help you combine the healing frequencies of sound, light, aroma and herb. It is even made easy for you as you are given suggestions for “compositional/ alchemy recipes”. You can practice your own art of health alchemy, and see if you can achieve golden health.  

Here is how it works. You combine a number of different health factors together through the various Starboard Quest Products available to you. Here are a few recipe suggestions, although, nothing is set in stone. Combine them in any way you’d like. Use your common sense and make up your own recipes if you’d like. The following are just suggestions. Look on the labels of Starboard Quest teas and essential oils for further recipes. 

Here is how it works:

Combine a number of different health factors together through the various Starboard Quest Products available to you in the Octave 432 General Store. Here are a few recipe suggestions, although, nothing is set in stone. Combine them in any way you’d like. Use your common sense and make up your own recipes if you’d like. The following are just suggestions. Look on the labels of Starboard Quest teas and essential oils for further recipes.

Composition: The Celestial Monochord
Scent: Frankincense  
Light Ray: Blue
Herbal Elixir: Celestial Monochord Tea or Hibiscus

Composition: Song of the Morning Dove
Scent: Jasmine
Light Ray: Yellow
Herbal Elixirs: Culpeper Planetary Tea, Lemongrass, or Chamomile 

Composition: The Symphony of Sonic Ascent
Scent: Frankincense 
Light Ray: Orange or Red
Herbal Elixir: Celestial Monochord Tea or Hibiscus 

Composition: The Forest Told a Secret 
Scent: Vanilla or Eucalyptus 
Light Ray: Green 
Herbal Elixir: Spearmint or Celestial Monochord Tea

Composition: Mother Kepler’s Golden Telescope 
Scent: Lemon 
Light Ray: Yellow or Green 
Herbal Elixir: Lemongrass 

Composition: Universal Clock Man 
Scent: Cinnamon 
Light Ray: Magenta 
Herbal Elixir: Peppermint or Celestial Monochord Tea 

Composition: Deep Calls to Deep 
Scent: Cinnamon or Vanilla 
Light Ray: Indigo 
Herbal Elixir: Raspberry or Culpeper Planetary Tea

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